Covington Occult Map

Covington Map of the Occult and the Arcane
We present to you our Covington Map of the Occult and the Arcane.
This project began thirteen months ago as a simple ley-line survey, but refused to be contained.
It spiraled into over a thousand hours of measuring creepy alleys, tracing crumbling Victorian maps, squinting at mildewed books, interviewing baleful-eyed grandmothers, and drawing and redrawing so so so many buildings.
It contains our best effort to document all the haunted mansions, ghoul attacks, and phantom streetcars. It outlines safe places to hide during outbreaks of nefarious magic, and lists almost every downtown shop, restaurant, and bar.
It also documents the devastating effects of deindustrialization and suburbanization, and shares some of our favorite tales from the history of our beloved city.
We had hoped to do a giant print run, and offer them as promotions. Unfortunately, the American map printing and folding industries collapsed this year, and the handful of printers that remain now limit themselves almost exclusively to government contracts.
We thus contracted a local printer to produce a limited edition of just fifty, and we folded them ourselves.
Each is unique, hand sealed, and numbered. They will be available for sale beginning this week.
We’re quite proud of them.