Baroness Likes Her Crowds

The Magic of Social Media
“That’s a pretty nice rock you’ve got there, be a real shame if anything happened to it.” – Baroness Belladonna Nightshade, shortly before doing a mischief.
We want to welcome the thousands of new faces who have joined us virtually over the last few weeks, to the hundreds who have visited the shop in person, and to the millions (gulp) who have watched and shared media of the shop.
When we designed the space, and decided to open our home to strangers, we never imagined anywhere near this level of enthusiasm. We are deeply grateful to you all for your support, and profoundly honored to have positively touched so many lives.
We would say that it is a dream come true, but we had never dreamed something like this was possible. Thank you. Thank you.
The downside, unfortunately, is that the shop wasn’t built to accommodate anywhere near the level of enthusiasm that viral social media can generate.
We are doing our best, and appreciate everyone’s patience.
We imagine that this wave will pass, and in a few weeks there won’t be people spilling out onto the street.
We appreciate your understanding, and look forward to meeting you all soon.