Astrological Planners, 2025

Astrological Planners for 2025
We love this time of year.
It languishes in the lassitude of a beloved journey coming to its end, and glows with the alluring light of a great adventure approaching.
It is a time of in-betweens and might-yet-bes not yet chained with what-is-possibles and might-have-beens.
In short, it is a magical time.
For many of us, it is also a time in which we are well-nourished, not overworked, and not yet weighed down by the hard days of the deep winter.
It is a great time for planning (or scheming, if that’s more your nature we’re not going to judge).
It has become our tradition to spend it working with our favorite astrological planners. In our opinion, there is simply nothing on the market that comes close. If you use one of these consistently over the year, you will know astrology as well or better than if you took a course. (We have about ten in various colors and sizes left.)
It is, of course, also okay to just spend this liminal week eating cheese by the fireplace.